When mid April rolls around each year our thoughts here at High-Fence Farm turn to “herb festival”, but even more so this year since there won’t be any public gatherings celebrating gardening and all things out in the yard. When we were much younger and had “help” still in the home, we would load up our little gypsy wagon most weekends in the spring and head off to one of the various herb festivals being held all over north-eastern Oklahoma. A couple of years we even loaded up and participated in a festival at the Harn Homestead in Oklahoma City. Another year we participated on a festival held in Durant, down in south-eastern Oklahoma. Those trips made for long days.
We were one of the founding vendors at the very first Sand Springs Herbal Affair. It was one of the first herb festivals in the area, and it has come to be one of the largest, with more than 100 vendors. If you ever attended, we were the double tent set up in front of Gilbert Insurance Agency, just south of the Triangle. The fresh peanut roaster guy set up right around the corner, and the Amish kitchen was right behind him. When our three “helpers” headed off to college and finally left home, we laid it all aside for a time. There were other factors involved, but we just needed a rest.
We never really quit gardening and growing plants. We just slowed down a bit, trying to keep up with all the grandchildren. This year’s greenhouse season is upon us and the tomatoes and peppers, herbs and flowers are ready to plant. Give us a call and set up a time to come out and visit and see what is growing inside and outside the greenhouse. Social distancing is easy out here. Oh by the way, if you can correctly identify the lady in the hat at our booth in the photo above, we will give you 25% off your purchase.