Even though it is getting on this spring of 2019, we still have some pretty nice plants in the greenhouse. First, we have some nice Peppers, sweet and hot. It’s not too late to replant if yours got washed down the Arkansas river. We are out of tomatoes, so we cannot help you there.
We also still have some pretty nice okra plants, although they are getting a bit tall to still be in pots. We also still have eggplant, chives, and parsley. In the floral department we have some nice Wave petunias (pink, red, and purple) as well as pure red periwinkles.
To move them on out so we can concentrate on the garden and orchard we are offering these remaining plants, in 3″ deep pots at half price. That’s one dollar each, folks, or two for one, if you like. Call us today and come out to get yours.